This Looks Like A Job For Homo Sapien. Part 4 of 4

June 15, 1995.

Now we come to the part about our DNA...........................................................................................................

Your Genetic Coding and
Your Soul Force Are Now Expanding

You know, the times your are living in now are unbelievbly complex, because so much is going on. I'll give you an example. Right now the genetic coding of people is expanding; you know this. New strands of DNA are forming to support and sustain you in your growth cycle. Yet one might ask, Do thee new strands of DNA have the capacity to change the other DNA, or will it simply support it? Maybe. But all of the genetics of your present culture - all of it, not just what is known by your scientist, which is aobut 1%, and I'm being generous - is expanding at an accelerating rate.

This is associated with a time of creation; it's also perhaps more associated with the expansion of the soul force, which is beginning a combined capacity. The combined energy of all souls here, the soul force, is expanding with such energy that it will allow this experience in the not-too-distant future (though probably not people in this room): future generations will have the capacity to experience a trinary soul. It is not even going to binary, but straight to trinary! This means that more than one soul - benevolent soul, I'm not talking about possession - will occupy an individual at the same time. Now, this might seem like it could be contradictory but it won't be because the trinary soul will be a split of your own individual soul, wherein there will be a past version of the soul (the soul's evolution as it was in the past), the soul's evolution as it is in the present and, most importantly, the soul's evolution as it will be in the future.

This aspect of expanding genetics is going to be what causes you to inevitable (at least in futre generations) move forward because you will not be able to resist it, it will be a proverbial siren song to pull the soul force of all beings forward. The soul past will be affeced by that in such a way as to expand, erasing all that is not benevolently supportive of the core soul, and move into the present. So right now you have one soul, but future generations for a short time will expand into a trinary soul, then back into a singular soul.

Q: Your're talking about fourth dimension, right?

We're talking about fourth-dimensional experience. It will take about 250 years of experimental time. This final flush will allow the experience of this loop in time to be assimilated, ingrained into your genetics - but not retained in your conscious mind. Because at higher dimensions of yourself, you cannot be motivated by fear and loathing; you cannot have hate in your conscious mind and emotions; you cannot be driven by things that might drive a third-dimensional person. But you must somehow retain the lessons of your third-dimensional experience. So you will retain it in your genetic code and it will be accessed by your instinctual body. And since you will be returning to your natural mental body (which is vertical wisdom, wherein you always know what you need to know any moment you need to know it), then the instinctual self, which is directly associated with the vertical mind, will be able to access through instinct through gut feeling, what to do and what not to do. And at that time you will not need to explain or analyze or justify not doing something; everybody will have the gut genetics, as it were, to know that a particular something is not what were're going ot do. But there will not be direct memory of hate, violence, corruption and all this kind of stuff. There won't be that. It will be coded.

I mention these things now because it's important for you to realize that there is a tremendous amount of support going on, but your can't always see it because of the conflicts between the shadow government and the forces of spirit that are happenhing all the time. The support is constantly coming in for you at an increasing rate. And no matter what the shadow govenment does, they cannot stop the soul force expansion and your trinary soul experience. They cannnot stop the genetic coding as it advances. Their hope is to control your conscious mind, but since decisions will be made in the future on the basis of the unconscious mind, or instinct, it really won't make any difference, because the cnscious mind as you know it will no longer be part of your day-to-day moment-to-moment existence. It will drain you to think, so you won't do it.

Therefore the secret government's control of the conscious mind will essentially be the control of nothing. I mention these things now because I want to encourage you, I want to let you know that there is support. It's not always somethng you feel *

JW So there you have it folks. If we are sent to other planets to shake them up, it will be interesting to see who gets to go.

Part 4 of 4.

Source Of Information: SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE, P.O. Box 1526, Sedona, AZ 86339, (602) 282-6523.

Remember: The right angle to approach a difficult problem is the "try-angle."

John Winston.

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